Heart Gem

Metallic heart emblem with ruby center and silver spikes on mystical symbols against red and white background.
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More about Heart Gem

(ENG) A phylactery is a gem that houses a person's soul. Traditionally it was a ritual practiced by necromancers to become liches with negative energy, but the wizards of Arkpolis have been able to do the same with positive energy to achieve immortality without having to become undead. This gem is located in a silver cavity in the chest, the gem is set with a red metal called Animae and is suspended in a red substance made of silicon and infernal sand.

(ESP) Una filacteria es una gema que alberga el alma de una persona. Tradicionalmente era un ritual practicado por nigromantes para convertirse en liches con energía negativa, pero los magos de Arkpolis han podido hacer lo mismo con energía positiva para alcanzar la inmortalidad sin tener que convertirse en un no-muerto. Esta gema va situada en una cavidad de plata en el pecho, la gema esta engarzada con un metal rojo llamado Animae y esta suspendida en una sustancia roja formada de silicio y arena infernal.

( )__( ) Kiss th Bunny


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