They said it couldn't be done...

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More about They said it couldn't be done...

The triumph of persistence or something. Only took me about a week of tinkering with prompts, 13 generations, and 2,080 energy to finally figure it out. Those mindless jerks at the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation are laughing their you know whats off all the way to the bank. On the bright side, it keeps me off the streets.

I'll see about some compilation videos for amusement value or something. I suppose I ought to see about this whole album thing. Now to decide which of the ideas I have for continuing seem best. I still want to have her stomp on the tie and tear it into itty-bitty bits and bury it alive, but my guess is the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation policies will not allow the depiction of violence to their neckties despite the fact no jury in the universe would convict anybody for that given everything. The humanity...


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