Worship Song 2 Poem

Person standing in forest by reflective pool facing glowing light with wing-like patterns - mystical and ethereal scene
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Lord God above, Almighty King,
I come to you in everything.
My heart is full, my soul is blessed,
With gratitude I can't express.
You sent your son to die for me,
To set my captive spirit free.
His blood has washed away my sin,
And now I stand redeemed again.
Oh how I love you, God of grace,
Who gives me strength to run the race.
When I am weak, you make me strong,
And fill my heart with joyful song.
I lift my hands in praise to thee,
For all the love you've shown to me.
Your mercy and your grace abound,
And in your presence peace is found.
So take my life, dear Lord, I pray,
And use it for your glory's sake.
May all I do, and all I say,
Bring honor to your holy name.
Forever and always, my heart belongs to you,
My Lord and my Savior, faithful and true.
I love you more than words can say,
And I will serve you all my days.


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