Rengetsu's Roof

Tranquil night scene with cherry blossoms, starry sky, and person sitting peacefully
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More about Rengetsu's Roof

Once, a renowned Zen master named Rengetsu journeyed far and wide, her heart filled with wisdom and her eyes full of the world's beauty. It was a particular evening when she arrived in a small village, her feet weary from the journey, her stomach hollow from the lack of food.

With hope in her heart, she knocked on door after door, requesting a place to rest for the night. But each time, the door would shut firmly, a mix of fear and distrust etched on the villagers' faces. They were wary of the Zen ways, their hearts nestled comfortably in the bosom of tradition, shying away from the transformative fires of Zen.

Rejected and weary, Rengetsu found refuge under a cherry tree at the outskirts of the village. The night was a cold one, and she had nothing but her robes to shield her from the biting chill. Fear of wild creatures lurked at the back of her mind, yet she found solace in the silence of the night, the calm rustling of the cherry tree overhead, and the firm earth beneath her.

The cold of the night eventually roused her from her fitful sleep, and as she opened her eyes, a sight of such stunning beauty unfolded before her. Under the mystic moonlight, the cherry blossoms appeared in full bloom, their petals sparkling like stars against the velvet night. The blossoms seemed to dance and laugh under the moon's gentle gaze.

Spellbound by the spectacle, Rengetsu rose to her feet, her heart overflowing with gratitude and joy. She turned towards the village, her hands folded in a gesture of reverence, the memory of their rejection fading under the moonlit beauty of the blossoms.

With a serene smile, she whispered into the night, "Through their kindness in refusing me lodging, I found myself beneath the blossoms on the night of this misty moon."

There was no bitterness, no resentment, only gratitude. For, had she not been turned away, she would have slept under an ordinary roof, oblivious to the glorious dance of the cherry blossoms under the moonlit sky.


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