the age of beauty 2

Smiling woman with long dark hair on grey background
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More about the age of beauty 2

when god created the world, after finished the job...looking around, he said..
He look around but there was no beer...!...and he thouhght...
"well i have to create a tree of beers.."
..."oh no,,,!!"...said the tiny little god on his shoulder...
"forget about the damn beer..!"
..."look around and tell me..."...said the little God in his shoulder
"dou you see anything better and more desirerable than a beer ..???"
"your crazy...!!!...obviously NO"...said the Big God, the master of Creation !
..."than opn´t be an asshole...CREATE IT...! and forget about beers ! Create the most beautifull thing that ,,,,you...even you.such a BIIIG GOD.....can not imaginate ..! replied the Little God in his shoulder...!
"Damn,,,said´re starting to piss me off...iam going to create on last thing...and after i´m gonna have my beer...but i tell is going to be the most beautifull think ever created in this UNIVERSE..."
And Bingo...God created the WOMAN...the woman you see in this picture..
and after this...all the new freshly born UNIVERSE, become silent...marvelled by the beauty, the wonder, that was His last creation, that smile, that joy, that light ih her eyes, that cosmic waves in hr hair...
And surprised he was, so fascinated he was with His last creation..
that said...
"you know something Litlle God... i will be in love for this woman fo the rest of my life...(wich as we all know...its a lot of time)"
And to be able to adore, appreciate, contemplate and fully love His last and most precious Creation...
GOD tranfomed himself in the shape and form of a Man !
" the the me a little favour, LIttle God" said GOD, already in his new form...
"Create DEEP DREAM GENERATOR....I´ll make them my official pretty women generators, because i want this land full of beauty !!!"
"As you wish, my Lord !!!"
An extract from the unofficial "REAL STORY OF THE CREATION OF THE WORLD"
...artenova scribum et dixit"


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