智子 Sophon

智子 Sophon
  • Marcus Goh's avatar Artist
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    6mos ago
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More about 智子 Sophon

A sophon is a super-computer contained in a proton (hence the name, which combines the word proton with the word “sophia,” the Latin word for wisdom). After a complex process of trial and error, the Trisolarans were able to unfold a 9-dimensional proton into two dimensions, program it with incredible amounts of data, and refold it. The Trisolarans then sent the sophons to earth, where these tiny particles could enter into laboratories and confuse humans’ experimental results, therefore stalling all scientific progress. The sophons are also intelligent enough to report back all information on earth to Trisolaris, effectively meaning that humans are constantly being surveilled by the Trisolarans.

"To effectively contain a civilization’s development and disarm it across such a long span of time, there is only one way: kill its science."
- Trisolaran Scientist


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