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New light, the gifts of insight. Humans letting the love flow, where it leads no one knows. Perhaps lines are crossed. Perhaps the light is far from lost. Midnight plans spun, I find I am still not alone, even though I am in the dark.
Well wishes, solitary nights. Old friends return, unexpected renewal boundless returns. Finding new shades of blue, I am stepping into my paper crown. I know now I will make it to the other side. A step through the threshold, no more relentless faults. I stopped digging long ago, climbing out has been no joke.
I work hard foot hold, pulling myself up towards daylight. I stagger, I ascend, flirting with the edge, this mans work never ends. Fallen so many times, strength in these arms, scars of proven worth, slides expected. I find a new grips, more falls, bloody knuckled. Taught the hard way, I feel myself reverse the bleak.
I didn't make it this far without knowing a fall. I have a will steeled against failure. Never depended on faith of others, it was never my way. Another path to the top of this hole surveyed.
Count me out one more time. Tell me you have nothing but tears left, tell me you lost faith. Balance has returned like never before, I find gravity in my strength. My fate sealed, I am undeterred. I see my path up, I have no fear of the dark. I let love flow through me. My reliance of others has held me back so, I shrug, I forgive those lacking faith.
My path of loneliness, or painting reality for others as an illusion of nice seems the essence of a bad time. I let them suffer through it, if they must, just know my loved ones have always fought against the best things I have led them to. I expect this is my lot in life, often great insight, little sway.
I may not have the faith of others. I may have pointed questions still yet to answer. I have always been dismissed, nothing I find new. Counted out so many times, am I lost? For those that don't take me seriously, are the ones that seem surprised when I come up flush.
The ace in the hole, after everyone else folds...
How did I reverse the tide? What the heck is he doing, doesn't he know he has been discounted? You may guess by now, I don't mind being told I'm lost. With intuition this strong, my resolve's shallow as an ocean darkest trench.
Simply put, few have ever believed in me. I take no glee, but I will feast upon doubts. Many times it has sustained me through the cold. Standard fair, nothing to pout about. Yet I will prove I have the goods. One more time I will show doubters the strength of my love.
Forever, Ever, and Evermore,
Aaron Baker
PS. I don't care for pity. My path is one of resilience, my quiver is full. I am not under a spell, I am not lost, I suffer from no delusions. I could leave, but I choose to stay.
1 Rebuilt 4 Taylor Alison
11ov3 Aaron David
May a Swift Baker love be the story of us.