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Hold the line, or America will be a waste, death, destruction will be laid in her wake.
These roses I lay at your feet, there is no courage in attacking migrants. The melting pot, the nation built on seeking a better life. Would you believe those brave enough to seek a better life, being our source of our weakness?
Bury this refuse in the cesspit from whence it came.
Entitled cowards sit upon ivory towers, casting dispersions, they would have you turn on your neighbor. I shed a tear for them, for their past, their future.
Do not allow their rancid thoughts to invade yours.
Hold the line, or we will bring a nightmare to our collective reality. Unity is the only path through this foul stench. Inefficiency is their deficient vision, their putrescent words insulting our country, our world.
Hard workers, sick children, those keeping our travels safe, are they to blame? Could it be a distraction from their thinly veil power hungry game. Greed is their creed they know no other way. For me everything, for you scraps if you do what I say.
They are infected by a poison you can see, look at what they do. Ask yourself would you help a sick child? Ask yourself why wouldn't they do the same?
Those putting the law above their career, you are holding the line. Tyranny doesn't come overnight, it comes when you don't elevate those who sacrifice. When you ignore principle, ethics, love, and embrace greed's zero sum game.
The frontline is everywhere, in this nothing has changed.
Would you allow yourself to do as they do, so easily pick hate?
I challenge you look inside yourself know it isn't weak to help those less fortunate, know their souls are dark for their choices, forsaken. Don't allow their ilk to infest your way.
Don't expect this to be easy, it will be the hardest collective effort any of us have ever made. Does that mean it isn't worth the effort, should we just stare at this nightmare?
I can't say we will win, in fact there is no wining. This is about collective love becoming normal instead of collective hate. Very few will stand to gain from the latter although all, even authors of this poison would benefit from the former.
So we stand at a crossroads, one of prosperity the other demoralization.
Which will we choose?
Which will you choose?
Will you allow yourself to believe getting a better seat at the table of scraps is good enough for you, your children, and their children? Would you allow a feeble minded collective make reality their list of those in favor, those who aren't. Would you believe that list has your name on it?
Florida 1st, and 6th districts are the frontline prepare April, 1st be there. Let us show them who the fools are.
Hold the line,