"3D chinese phoenix" by Marina Kukso_Artistic

Intricately Designed Paper Phoenix with Vibrant Colors
  • Valentino Drey's avatar Artist
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    1yr ago
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More about "3D chinese phoenix" by Marina Kukso_Artistic

PLEASE; If you like ANY of my renders here; Go visit the original Prompt creators and like theirs as well.
I have done NOTHING extra...
You can find the original (better) rendition here:
Щиро дякую, Марина Куксо. Це дивовижно!

A bit of "Backstory":
To keep with the concept of my posts last time...
And looked for an older prompt, Though not "as old"... More to see how it would hold up to renewed "same" models.

So; I borrowed a prompt from the gallery of this insanely talented member that had posted it about a year ago.
And as always: I gave it a try with a few models.

In this first attempt I kept it at the original settings of "Artistic" which is her usual choice of model from what I have come cross.
Ironically enough: The render was VERY good. BUT the original was so much more "what I would have personally preferred".
Let me know what you think...


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