The Blue-Cloaked Woman in the Night

The Blue-Cloaked Woman in the Night
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More about The Blue-Cloaked Woman in the Night

Shumiel Dan had gone up to his room to retrieve a necklace he'd had made for the princess. He walked over to his dresser and picked up the gold-wrapped, red stone from it. He wasn't sure why but, he felt drawn to go to the window.
As he stood looking down at the courtyard and mist-shrouded forest below, out of the corner of his eye he caught a movement around the left corner of palace. Suddenly, a figure in a blue hooded cloak stole out onto the moonlit lawn and headed toward wood. The king then recollected what his council members had said about a woman being seen the night before last, heading into the Shem'kar forest in the middle of the night.
Shumiel Dan watched in curious bewilderment, as the figure fled across the grass, the cape trailing behind her in a cold night wind, reveal a pair of pale bare feet.
Presently, the woman paused on the edge of the leafy threshold of the dark wood, and cast a wary glance over her shoulder.
The hood slipped off of her head as she turned and her eyes met the King's and seemed to pierce the night as a full moon struck the upon them, causing them to shine as blue gems. And then she was gone, swallowed by the fog engulfing the night and the forest, leaving Shumiel Dan to wonder if he had not been dreaming. But he simply turned and hurried out of the room, trying to brush the vision from his mind.

Part 8 of 'The Blue Cape.

To be continued...

The image still wasn't what I want but I will let it go for now. I hope you enjoy the story, and I will try to keep it going.


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