Redone -- Gravito Inertia (Mass)

Whimsical Scene on a Colorful Soccer Field
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More about Redone -- Gravito Inertia (Mass)

This is a redo of the picture which looks like a record player. The football represents the 1 kilogram mass, and the pink "noodle" is its initial gravitational field. As the hippie girl kicks the ball, the ball is accelerated (F=ma) but its inertia (i.e. its mass m) is felt as the force (F) required to accelerate it, due to the fact that the gravitational field (represented by the pink "noodle") lags behind the centre-of-gravity of the ball (the field can only propagate at the speed of light, so slightly lags behind the updated position of the ball, tending to impede its forward motion. After the gravitational field catches up, it will again be centered around the ball. Also see the original description (lol). And Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (lol^2). :)


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