AI still hates us. Success, for at least a proof of concept.

  • Pilindë Pebrimbor's avatar Artist
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    18h ago

More about AI still hates us. Success, for at least a proof of concept.

Other than looking like I am stuck with a jump-cut... Really, DDG? Your video generation can't at least do a fadein from black in prompts? Sheesh, maybe it will work on a 10 second clip, we'll see. I *might* be able to use this as-is, but I kinda want to save up for a 10 second version and hope it comes out closer to my very first try for this shot. A 5 second clip just puts the door into the new room closer to the sideboard dresser than I like, since one of the goals is to get completely away from the blazer and necktie lying there.

I already know from unpublished clips that if they are anywhere within reach, weird and implausible things can start happening as ProVideo apparently has no idea what those items are. All the other details which can complicate my life get stored in metadata, but apparently the identity of those items which can complicate my life if they are NOT stored in metadata is not stored so they can complicate my life. See how that works? Sirius Cybernetics Corporation design philosophy strikes again, "Glad to be of service."

The red piping on the edge of the skirt I finally had to hand-edit in on a new frame from the 'zoom' shot. I've already noticed it mutating even across the span of this 5 second clip. Not sure why ProVideo is morally opposed to double-piping like that on a skirt, probably because it looks nice I guess. Kobold can't take it any more...


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