Samson and Delilah's Betrayal Poem

Animated man with mustache, long hair, and necklace against golden columns
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More about Samson and Delilah's Betrayal Poem

In ancient times, a tale of woe
Of Samson, strong with locks that flow
A man of might, with God's own grace
But Delilah's deceitful embrace
She sought to learn his secret might
And lured him in with whispers light
With cunning words and seductive smile
She sought to weaken, to beguile
Samson, besotted, fell for her charms
Unaware of her deceitful arms
He revealed his strength, his source of power
Trusting Delilah in his darkest hour
But Delilah, with treacherous heart
Betrayed Samson, tore him apart
She cut his hair, his strength now gone
Samson was defeated, his vigor shorn
Blinded, chained, a prisoner now
Samson's fate, a mournful bow
His lesson learned, too late, too sad
Beware deceit, both good and bad
For even the strongest can fall from grace
When trust is misplaced, in a false embrace
Samson's tale, a cautionary plea
Beware Delilah's deceitful decree.


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