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DDG fails again to understand the standard term "TEST CARD". So, in the philosophical tradition, I'll now pretend that it did, and you can now see a full TEST CARD C on a monochrome 405-line TV. As you can see (by definition), there are a set of frequency bandwidth bars surrounding the picture of a plushie who is playing noughts-and-crosses, accompanied by very listenable muzak (such as "Golondrina" and "Eugene Onegin"). I think probaby the most interesting content ever produced by BBC (except "Doctor Who" and "Open University" and more recently "Ru Paul"). I would often listen to this in 1968 during school lunch breaks. Now what the fork does "UIGODD?IG PATN" mean? Is "GOD" an AI formed by a quantum entangled metacrystal of spontaneously-manifesting virtual positrons and electrons? And what is her UI? And her Pattern?