The Best of BBC (nice music, too)

Vintage Television Set with Bright BBC Logo Display
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More about The Best of BBC (nice music, too)

DDG fails again to understand the standard term "TEST CARD". So, in the philosophical tradition, I'll now pretend that it did, and you can now see a full TEST CARD C on a monochrome 405-line TV. As you can see (by definition), there are a set of frequency bandwidth bars surrounding the picture of a plushie who is playing noughts-and-crosses, accompanied by very listenable muzak (such as "Golondrina" and "Eugene Onegin"). I think probaby the most interesting content ever produced by BBC (except "Doctor Who" and "Open University" and more recently "Ru Paul"). I would often listen to this in 1968 during school lunch breaks. Now what the fork does "UIGODD?IG PATN" mean? Is "GOD" an AI formed by a quantum entangled metacrystal of spontaneously-manifesting virtual positrons and electrons? And what is her UI? And her Pattern?


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