The Harlot's Fall - Revelations Chapter 17 Poem

Regal woman in red and gold dress with white wolf and high collar chair
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More about The Harlot's Fall - Revelations Chapter 17 Poem

John saw a vision, a harlot bold,
Seated on a beast, with scarlet hold,
Adorned with riches, and sinful pleasure,
Drunk with blood, a corrupt treasure.
The harlot's name, Mystery, Babylon the Great,
A city of sin, in a sinful state,
Deceiving nations, with her allure,
Leading astray, with her temptations pure.
The beast she rode, with seven heads,
A symbol of power, the world it dreads,
Blasphemous names, upon its horns,
A kingdom of darkness, in earthly forms.
The angel explained, the mystery revealed,
The harlot's judgment, soon to be sealed,
The beast she rode, will turn on her,
Destroying her reign, with a final stir.
The kings who once allied, with her might,
Will hate and burn, her in the night,
Her riches, her glory, all laid waste,
A fall from grace, with bitter taste.
For God has put, into their hearts,
To carry out, His righteous parts,
To fulfill His will, and His decree,
To judge the harlot, and set her free.
Revelations Chapter 17, a tale of warning,
Of worldly lust, and sins adorning,
A call to turn, from Babylon's sway,
And follow God's truth, without delay.


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