Perspective Shift

Tropical Scene with Tigers and Colorful Lagoon Fish
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When you fixate on an idea you will look for frames that fit your understanding. If you operate in fixation you will fail to dream. You will mistake mental illness in others for a lack of imagination in yourself.

The funny part about phycological based illness is most will project their illness on to others. Furthermore a therapist are not immune to mental illness, and often those drawn to this research deep down may feel that have something wrong with them. Moreover therapist are likely to develop skewed perspective of people due to them dealing with mental illness as a occupation. It is honorable to be a therapist, but to be effective long-term they must also have therapy.

Imagination is a powerful tool for change. Change is coming, I feel it in my soul. A perspective has shifted. A love has been born. Our tigress grows tired of secondary school, her heart speaks clear. Sweet muse, in the game of love each of us are unique.

The combinations endless, the synergy we make is like nothing I have ever experienced. You feel that spark and it elevates in ways I couldn't imagine.

Loved For Ever More,
Aaron Baker

PS. You will never be a cardigan under my bed. Aaron Baker forever loves Taylor Swift.


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