Rainforest Hi - Tech city on coast

Modern Coastal City with High-rise Buildings and Ocean Views
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More about Rainforest Hi - Tech city on coast

I was cursious about different version of same prompts on differents AI imagine generators. So, first three attempt I'm did with Dream by WOMBO. It's looked good as Deep Dream Generator version, but still lack in imagine size. I'm talking about pic scale, by the way I not stoped on this and keep looking other AI generators. Next was DreamStudio AI Lite, after another three atempts, i got +- good imagine with one issues. Lates two have different sampels. For second imagine i'm used k_m sample with Stable Diffusion v2.1-768 and 50 steps. It's not bad, but still lack of quality so, I'm continued. Last 3th imagine have same SD version but now with 150 steps + plms sample, it's finally have +- good quality. And finally we here, on Deep Dream Generator. What I can say about this imagine: "Magnificent!"
It's not Mindjourney but have same quality as I wanted. Upscaled to 2MP, Hight Quality and 1000x800 pixels (0.80MP) and almost no annoying Picasso style! If you looking imagine generator like Mindjourney, Deep Dream Generator perfect replacer!


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