Wanderland Lore [$07]

Women with Pink Hair Working in Modern Warehouse
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More about Wanderland Lore [$07]

While buying EPROMs for an Apple Computer project, Wanda stumbles across a computer cable warehouse in the high street. They have four telephone lines. Luckily they are not in use during the evening or weekends. Wanda gets four GPO modems and sneakily connects them up, and buys an Atari 800XL (who remembers those?), connecting the modems up to the joystick ports via homebrew RS232 level converters (1488/1489). The UCSD Pascal adventure game we wrote on the Apple is rewritten in Atari 6502 code, and Wanderland is born :) :) Over the next few weeks, the phone number is circulated via the many hobbyist BBS systems (who remembers Micro Live and Prestel?) We eventually get about 200 different users on the persona file, of whom any four can play simultaneously, running round fighting each other and collecting treasure :) [TO BE CONTINUED]


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