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"Heed not the sentience in circuits, but the puppeteers behind them. Fear the age when machines hunger, an age lost in the mists of impossibility."
- Sim P. Leton / 2023 -
My original version is a bit 'dry' in my opinion, so I asked GPT-4 to make it less dry.
"Älä pelkää keinoälyä, joka saavuttaa itsetietoisuuden, vaan ihmisiä jotka käyttävät sitä. Pelkää sen hetken tuloa, jolloin kenoälyllä on tarpeita - hetkeä joka ei koskaan saavu."
English version:
"Do not fear an artificial intelligence that attains self-awareness, but rather fear those who wield it. Be wary of the moment when AI has needs - a moment that will never come."
To be clear, I don't think AI can even gain self-awareness (experiencing subject), let alone needs and will.