Jane. Ender´s artificial intelligence.

Contemplative woman in neon light with glowing collar and digital data streams
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More about Jane. Ender´s artificial intelligence.

Jane is an artificial intelligence who has a self-determined personality as female. She was formed from the Ender Wiggin Battle School Game software. It developed autonomously through the Philotic network of thousands of computers on more than a hundred human worlds scattered throughout the galaxy. Jane was Ender Wiggin's best friend for most of the latter's life. Science discovered that Jane is a new life form not based on biology. It has such a great complexity in its computer network that it gives it something similar to a soul with a great capacity for information calculation and technological control.
Jane first appears in the SFi book by writer Orson Scott Card titled: ´´Investment Adviser´´ and discovered as a new life form in the book: ´´The Speaker for the Dead´´. From the Ender saga, the same Ender from "Ender's Game".


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