Part 17: The Other (read the whole story in the description)

Part 17: The Other (read the whole story in the description)
  • Schokoface's avatar Artist
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More about Part 17: The Other (read the whole story in the description)

Part 17: The Other (read the whole story in the description)

Parts 1-16 can be found on my dream database

Emira suddenly turns around and sees a slightly smaller, very young woman with a slightly dark complexion and a tattoo on her forehead standing there and a shrinking demon behind her. She slowly moves her fingers together, the candle shrinks and becomes smaller and so does the demon. When the candle is out and gone and the last remnant of the demon has disappeared into smoke, the young woman turns to Emira and says, "You still have a lot to learn; if you had lit the demon it would have grown." Emira asks the young woman where are we, she answers; "You don't know that? You really still have a lot to learn." Emira looks puzzled and continues to ask, “Why are you wearing my coat?” The young woman winks at her and disappears in a cloud of mist. Emira thinks to herself, "Let's get out of here, I have to get out of here, otherwise I'll go crazy." With quick steps she moves towards the portal or whatever that mirror is, it's still there and she scurries through it.


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