Fighting Shadows Within Poem

Surreal artwork: Human profile merges with cosmic brain, neurons as stars, trees, clouds,
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More about Fighting Shadows Within Poem

A battle waged, inside the mind,
A struggle fierce, of a different kind.
A war of thoughts, a clash of fears,
A turmoil raging, for all these years.
Dark shadows lurk, in every thought,
Chains of doubt, tightly wrought.
They whisper lies, they scream and shout,
Trying to conquer, from inside out.
But courage rises, a flickering light,
A warrior's resolve, to stand and fight.
With every breath, and every step,
The battle rages, with no regret.
The mind a battlefield, a war zone,
Where doubts and fears, are overthrown.
A fighter's spirit, unyielding, strong,
Conquering shadows, all along.
For deep within, a strength resides,
A beacon of hope, that never hides.
A warrior's heart, a resilient soul,
Fighting shadows, to take control.
So fight the battle, with all your might,
The war within, a valiant fight.
Embrace the struggle, face it with grace,
And triumph over darkness, in every space.


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