JohnnyBoy wishes everybody a happy new year

Black Cat with Green Eyes Sitting on White Surface against Beige Background
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More about JohnnyBoy wishes everybody a happy new year

This picture looks ridiculously exactly like my Johnny. My heart completely jumped for joy when it "came out of the oven" ;-) .

He always gives me this curious and expectant look BEFORE he comes when I call....He certainly doesn't come wagging at me like a dog unless he knows what's coming. But then he comes too - walking leisurely, as if he is about to receive the people's tribute for arriving. He is king of the whole world - he thinks ^_^ And of course I obey like the faithful slave that I am - and give him food, warmth and love in abundance.

He is about 13 years old - no one knows - because he is originally a captured wild cat. And I love him for never compromising his nature. I fully respect his needs - I think that's why we get on so well together.

Maybe it won't be long before he has to leave - I'll never get a cat like him again, but I'll probably get another one. We'll see by then, but it's definitely a stray black male cat I'm getting....because those are the ones that other people don't want - and the ones that are just euthanized from an inconsolable life without love. That's why "Crazy Cat Ladies" like me are needed. Love to the world and to the lost black wildcats.


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