Heavenly Bloom

Cosmic Lotus Flower in Starry Surreal Landscape
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The more I learn the less I question. Self discovery a wonderous thing.
I find my way delightful, a steady flow. As water flows toward fate.

May we grow together. Meeting in common ground, roots deep, in turn skyward bound.

I know there is sorrow, I feel threads of her pain. Driving me to do better. Toward the best version of myself...

I seek to keep a safe harbor for her, to allow her storms to crash upon my shores. Strength built for two.

I wield fate, I strike excuses, blame. A growing sense of self, of love, a path of calm, I reminisce. I understand many things are beyond my control. Yet this path feels like the flow, I can't help but go with this nature's row. I can't explain to others, they continue to ask me questions inane.

My friends wish to set me up, they don't understand I am happy where I am. They find joy in fatherhood, they wish for me the same. It is either meant to be, or not. They have hard time seeing my acceptance of this fate. I don't wish to build a family just to be on my own unless it is cruel twist of fate. Lacking a companionship is a sorrowful way. I feel for them, broken before they got their start. The other couldn't keep booze from coming between him, and his love.

Here I stay, perhaps I am wrong, my faith tells me I am not. Mistakes will continue to be made, my life has been never ending recovery, reappraise then rising anew.

I am a dreamer, perhaps 1 would share this crazy life. Could we share a life, grow together?

The deck stacked against us, yet I feel there is you and I. I have come a long way, dancing in the rain has brought me wonder. All in all, I will never be the same.

I feel gravity, or is that her drawing me in? I find I have become fearless in love. While I have conquered many fears this is new, and I feel fine. I have even found others are accepting me for who I am, no prejudice.

No more hall of mirrors, convolutions fraught reflections keeping me off balance.

I can't promise a fairytale future of uninterrupted sunshine, no 1 is that sweet. I can only promise one of trust, respect, honesty, allowing contempt not to grow in loves place. I wish to be the 1 crafting her favorite drink. For me that is daylight.

Perhaps this bloom will be one that spawns a cosmic revival, I wonder. A petal falls, she loves me?

Has the goddess of timing smiled upon us? I know this love will never part from me. It grows deep under the waterline. I know if she loved me what a wonderful world this would be.

Forever, Ever, and Evermore,
Aaron Baker

PS. I fight for a better future. I feel solace in this journey, the sands of time fall. I don't wish a rise at the cost of my phoenix. My wish is a rise side by side. I keep my balance, I walk toward the future, the 1 I love.

1 Love 4 Taylor Alison
11ove3 Aaron David
May a Swift Baker love be the story of us.


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