In an attempt to demonstrate the fallacy of AI, Godzilla ate a few minor townships with ketchup 01b

Gigantic Creature Overlooking Cityscape and Mountains
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More about In an attempt to demonstrate the fallacy of AI, Godzilla ate a few minor townships with ketchup 01b

A colossal Godzilla towers over a cityscape, with modern buildings in the foreground and a distant volcano rising under a clear blue sky, showcasing a dramatic clash between nature and urban life. Hmmmm. Last one, the ketchup was there! 'Coincidentally' just after I'd pointed up the lack of ketchup in images up to THAT point. As if, mon dieu, pardez du bluet[!] GDD was listening to my carping about it not getting all the wonderful triggers in my prompt. Hmmm. Maybe We don't need2 call in the developers, maybe GDD has just revealed that IT is listening, almost as if it were conscious, perish the thought.


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