A surreal post-apocalyptic landscape, where a massive ruin takes the form of a female human face. The face, cracked and carved into a dilapidated brick wall, expresses intense melancholy through a bright blue eye that seems almost alive. The wall is surrounded by partially destroyed modern columns and rises under a stormy sky, heavy with gray clouds. In the background, a desert landscape with dead trees and a futuristic building in ruins accentuates the atmosphere of desolation. The scene mixes emotion, mystery and a touch of visual fantasy in an atmosphere that is both fragile and timeless."
Artists/Inspirations: Ralph McQuarrie, Alex Alemany, photorealistic CGI, modern digital concept art, cinematic illustrations.
Quality: high detail, high definition, extremely detailed, crisp quality, photorealistic, ultra realistic, hyperrealistic, award-winning, wallpaper, poster, 8K.
Effects: colorful, intricate, vibrant, elegant, modern fantasy, pink tones, sleek designs, vivid colors, luminous highlights.
Photography: Nikon D850, cinematic lighting, studio lighting, matte background, close-up focused, DOF, sharp focus, dynamic composition, bokeh effects, postprocessed, cinematic framing, dramatic and atmospheric view.