Leader Bold - Joshua Chapter 1 Poem

Regal man in blue and gold robe with crown and scepter in desert scene
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More about Leader Bold - Joshua Chapter 1 Poem

In Joshua Chapter 1, a tale is told,
Of a leader bold, with a heart of gold,
Named Joshua, chosen, brave and true,
To lead God's people to the promised land anew.
Moses had passed, his time was through,
And Joshua now had much to do,
With the Israelites, a nation vast,
He knew the journey would be a steadfast.
"Be strong and of good courage," God proclaimed,
As Joshua's task was clearly framed,
"To the land I promised, you shall go,
No fear shall grip you, I will bestow."
With confidence and faith, Joshua stood,
Inspired by God's unwavering good,
He led the people across the Jordan's tide,
With God's guidance, they would not be denied.
The walls of Jericho, a mighty foe,
Seemed insurmountable, a daunting show,
But Joshua followed God's command,
Marching around with a faithful band.
On the seventh day, the walls fell down,
Victory was won with a righteous crown,
For Joshua trusted in God's plan,
And led his people to the promised land.
Through battles fought and victories won,
Joshua's faith never came undone,
He remained steadfast, resolute,
A leader courageous, always acute.
So let us learn from Joshua's tale,
To trust in God when we might fail,
To be courageous, brave and bold,
As we journey through life's stories untold.
For in each challenge, we can find,
The strength of God, a peace of mind,
And like Joshua, we too can rise,
With faith as our compass, reaching the skies.
In Joshua Chapter 1, we see,
A leader who embraced God's decree,
With courage, faith, and unwavering grace,
He led his people to a promised place.


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