Drow Matriarch

Purple-haired elven warrior in silver armor on rocky backdrop
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More about Drow Matriarch

(ENG) The Drows are a line of elves who were expelled to the depths of the earth, led by their goddess Lolth, they have prospered by creating more powerful societies in the Underdark. They usually have dark, bluish-tinged skin, white or gray hair, and have a sadistic personality with a refined taste for carnal pleasures. This powerful woman is the Great Matron, her name is Sarah Darkness, and she runs an ancient dwarven fortress called Blood Peak from where she controls the trafficking of slaves to the surface.

(ESP) Los Drow son una estirpe de elfos que fueron expulsados a las profundidades de la tierra, liderados por su diosa Lolth, donde han prosperado creando una sociedades mas poderosas en la Infraoscuridad. Suelen tener la piel oscura tirando a azulada, cabello blanco o gris y tienen una personalidad sádica con un refinado gusto por los placeres carnales. Esta poderosa mujer es la Gran Matrona, se llama Sarah Oscurez y dirige una antigua fortaleza enana llamada el Pico Sangriento desde donde controla el tráfico de esclavos con la superficie.

( )__( ) Kiss the Bunny


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