Passion of the Christ

Robed Figure Kneeling in Prayer Beside Candlelit Floral Arrangements
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More about Passion of the Christ

In the holy land, so long ago,
A story unfolded of love's great show,
A tale of suffering, sacrifice, and pain,
Of a man who bore it all without disdain.
His name was Jesus, the Son of God,
Sent to Earth with a mission so broad,
To save mankind from sin's dark plight,
And offer them salvation's light.
With a heart so pure and a love so deep,
He walked among the lost and weak,
Performing miracles, spreading good cheer,
Guiding souls with words of truth so clear.
But jealousy and envy took their toll,
As the priests and Pharisees plotted their goal,
To put an end to Jesus' ways,
To silence him for all his days.
Betrayed by a friend, he was led away,
To face false accusations without delay,
Beaten and mocked, his flesh torn apart,
Yet he bore it all with a loving heart.
Nailed to a cross, he hung in pain,
As blood poured down like crimson rain,
He cried out to God, forgiveness he sought,
For those who crucified him without a second thought.
As darkness fell and the earth did quake,
The Son of God bore humanity's ache,
He breathed his last and gave his all,
For the sins of mankind, he did fall.
But death could not hold him in its grip,
For he rose again with a triumphant skip,
Conquering sin and death's sting,
Offering hope and a new beginning.
The Passion of the Christ, a story so true,
A tale of love that's ever anew,
For it reminds us of a love so pure,
A sacrifice that will forever endure.


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