Horned Forest God

Red Stag-Like Creature with Glowing Horns in Eerie Forest
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More about Horned Forest God

(ENG) Anvallus was formerly an elven god who ended up being tempted by demons and influenced by them, he ended up becoming an evil divinity. This powerful being is venerated by the witches of EverAutumn, who in exchange for sacrificing people, he blesses the land so that it is more fertile and puts his seed in the witches to generate more powerful offspring. Here you can see Anvallus using his powers to turn the forest into a bloody and fertile version of himself.

(ESP) Anvallus era antiguamente un dios élfico que acabo siendo tentado por los demonios e influenciados por ellos se acabo convirtiendo en una divinidad malvada. Este poderoso ser es venerado por las brujas de Siempreotoño, que a cambio de sacrificios de personas, el bendice a tierra para que sea más fértil y pone su semilla en las brujas para engendras descendencia mas poderosa. Aquí se puede ver a Anvallus usando sus poderes para convertir el bosque en una sangrienta y fértil versión de si mismo.

( )__( ) KissThe Bunny


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