Victory's Song - Deuteronomy Chapter 20 Poem

Religious man praying by window with cosmic scene outside
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More about Victory's Song - Deuteronomy Chapter 20 Poem

In Deuteronomy Chapter Twenty, we see,
God's words of guidance for battles to be.
When facing foes, both strong and bold,
God's wisdom shines, a story to be told.
The priest shall speak, with words of might,
To strengthen hearts, and prepare for fight.
For God goes with them, in every fray,
To lead them victoriously, come what may.
The fearful and faint of heart, step back,
Lest their fear infect the warrior's attack.
For God's chosen ones, courageous and bold,
With faith and trust, they shall behold.
Before a city, a call for peace,
To offer terms, and conflicts cease.
But if refused, with God's command,
They shall prevail, and take a stand.
Yet, in victory, with hearts made meek,
They shall not boast, or vengeance seek.
But show compassion, and act with grace,
For God's ways, they shall embrace.
So let us learn from Deuteronomy Twenty,
To trust in God's wisdom, strong and plenty.
In battles fought, or trials faced,
With God as our guide, we're firmly embraced.


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