AI just gotta be stupid

  • Pilindë Pebrimbor's avatar Artist
    Pilindë Pe...
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    2d ago

More about AI just gotta be stupid

The madness continues. This one was going great until the end, apparently I've finally constrained (almost) everything to the point it can't get creative and ruin the whole shot. The only insanity it can find wiggle room now seems to be the door, it just HAS to continue the ongoing madness with the door that started up several iterations ago after being fine for days.

I'll have to tinker more with that and see if I can figure out what has it doing weirdness with the door. I've tweaked the mentions of a door several times since it went from a normal door to all the various bizarre mutations it's been throwing out, so far without restoring the video back to just a plain old door. No doubt any changes I make in that section of the prompt will cause problem in other parts to emerge.


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