A Burden to Bear - Numbers Chapter 11 Poem

Group of People in Traditional Robes with Camel in Desert Landscape
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More about A Burden to Bear - Numbers Chapter 11 Poem

In the desert, the Israelites were led,
By God's guiding hand, they were daily fed.
Manna from heaven, a heavenly treat,
But soon they grew tired of this heavenly meat.
They grumbled and complained, with voices raised,
Their cravings for variety left them dazed.
"We want meat!" they cried, in their hunger pained,
Forgetting the blessings, they once had gained.
Moses, overwhelmed, sought God in distress,
"Lord, this burden is heavy, I must confess.
I cannot bear the weight of their complaints,
It's too much for one man, with all its constraints."
God in His wisdom, had a solution in mind,
To help Moses lead, and the people bind.
He instructed Moses to gather leaders true,
To share the load and their wisdom accrue.
So seventy men were chosen with care,
To assist Moses, and the burden share.
God's spirit descended, and they prophesied,
Empowered by God, they were unified.
Though the challenges were not yet through,
Moses found strength, and God's grace anew.
Numbers Chapter 11, a lesson to learn,
That burdens shared, become easier to discern.


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