I'm a Country Boy - Poem

Child with toy airplane near person on roof in field under clear sky
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More about I'm a Country Boy - Poem

I wake up each day with the sun,
And start my chores before day's begun.
I milk the cows and feed the hens,
Then gather eggs before breakfast begins.
I work the land from dawn 'til dusk,
Tending crops with care and trust.
I plow the fields and sow the seeds,
And pray for rain to fill our needs.
I know the woods like the back of my hand,
And hunt for game across the land.
I track the deer and trap the hare,
And fish the streams with patience and care.
I love the peace of the country life,
Away from the noise and city strife.
I breathe fresh air and watch the stars,
And feel content with all that's ours.
Though some may think our way is slow,
I'm proud to be a country boy, you know.
With hard work and heart, we make our way,
Living simply, each and every day.


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