Witches of Everautumn

Mystical forest scene with figures in dark red gowns
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More about Witches of Everautumn

(ENG) The elves of the Everautumn Forest worship the demon god Anvallus. They perform blood rituals with people who enter the forest without their permission, something that happens constantly. The women of the tribe cover themselves with the blood of their victims and dance through the forest with chestnut branches to attract their god to bless them and their lands with bloody fertility.

(ESP) Los elfos de el Bosque de Siempreotoño adoran al dios demonio Anvallus. Realizan rituales de sangre con las personas que se adentran en el bosque sin su permiso, algo que pasa constantemente. Las mujeres de la tribu se cubren de sangre de sus victimas y danzan por el bosque con ramas de castaño para atraer a su dios y las bendiga a ellas y a sus tierras con sangrienta fertilidad.

( )__( ) Kiss the Bunny


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