Dalí Dollar #3

Dalí Dollar #3
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More about Dalí Dollar #3

Photo composite of several Dreams made using the reverse side of the US Dollar as source image, and for style image Salvador Dalí's Slave Market With Disappearing Bust of Voltaire. I made several versions, using different settings. Versions using the Dalí at reduced sized saved details that were obliterated in versions I had made earlier, but produced results that were overall too busy and formless, so I made this composite carefully choosing my favorite elements from each. Finally, to present the work here with minimal further change, I used the composite as both base and style image here and set the style weight to 10%. This did soften and saturate the image a touch, but not unacceptably. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slave_Market_with_the_Disappearing_Bust_of_Voltaire


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