Odin upon Sleipnir

Odin upon Sleipnir

#aesir #allfather #heathen #mosaic #mythology #myths #norse #odin #pagan

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More about Odin upon Sleipnir

Odin aka:
Aldaföðr ("father of men")
Aldagautr ("Gautr of men")
Aldingautr ("the ancient Gautr")
Alföðr ("father of all")
Arnhöfði ("eagle-head")
Atriði, Atriðr ("attacking rider")
Auðun ("wealth-friend"?)
Báleygr ("blaze-eye")
Bifliði or Biflindi ("shield-shaker")
Bileygr ("wavering-eye")
Björn ("bear")
Blindi ("blind")
Bölverker ("evil-doer")
Bragi ("chieftain")
Brúni, Brúnn ("the brown one")
Darraðr, Dörruðr ("spearman")
Draugadróttin ("lord of the dead")
Ennibrattr ("the one with a straight forehead")
Eylúðr ("island vessel?," "ever-booming"?)
Farmaguð, Farmatýr ("cargo-god")
Farmögnuðr ("journey-empowerer")
Fengr ("snatch")
Fimbultýr ("mighty god")
Fimbulþulr ("mighty þulr", "mighty poet")
Fjölnir ("much-wise"?, "concealer"?)
Flölsviðr ("much-wise")
Forni ("the ancient one")
Fráríðr ("one who rides forth")
Fundinn ("the found")
Gagnráðr ("advantage counsel)
Gangleri ("wanderer")
Gangráðr ("journey-adviser," "contrary adviser")
Gapþrosnir ("one in gaping frenzy"?)
Gauti, Gautr ("one from Gotland", "Gaut", "Goth")
Geiguðr ("dangler")
Geirlöðnir ("spear-inviter")
Geirtýr ("spear-god")
Geirvaldr ("spear-master")
Geirölnir ("spear-changer")
Gestr ("guest")
Gestumblindi ("the blind guest")
Ginnarr ("deceiver")
Gizurr ("riddler"?)
Glapsviðr ("seducer")
Goðjaðarr ("god-protector")
Göllnir, Göllor, Göllungr ("yeller")
Göndlir ("wand-wielder")
Grímnir ("the masked one")
Grímr ("grim")
Gunnar ("warrior"?)
Gunnblindi ("battle-blinder")
Hagvirkr ("skilful worker")
Hangaguð, Hangatýr ("hanged-god")
Hangi ("hanged one")
Haptaguð ("fetter-god")
Haptsœnir ("fetter-loosener")
Hárbarðr ("grey-beard")
Hárr ("high one")
Hávi ("high one")
Helblindi ("Helblind")
Hengikeptr ("hang-jaw")
Herblindi ("host-blind")
Herföðr, Herjaföðr ("host-father")
Hergautr ("host-Gautr")
Herann or Herrjan ("the one of the host")
Herteitr ("host-glad")
Hertýr ("host-god")
Hildólf ("battle-wolf")
Hlalmberi ("helm-bearer")
Hjarrandi ("screamer")
Hléfreyr ("famous lord"?, "mound-lord")
Hnikarr or Nikarr ("spear-lord"?)
Hnikuðr or Nikuðr ("striker")
Höarr ("one-eyed")
Hövi ("high one")
Hrafnáss ("raven-god")
Hrammi ("fetterer"?, "ripper"?)
Hrani ("blusterer")
Hrjótr ("roarer")
Hroptatýr ("lord of gods"?, "tumult-god"?)
Hroptr ("god"?, "tumult"?)
Hrosshársgrani ("hourse-hair moustache")
Hvatmóðr ("whet-courage")
Hveðrungr ("roarer")
Ítreker ("splendid ruler")
Jafnhárr ("just as high")
Jalfaðr, Jalföðr ("yellow-brown back"")
Jalgr, Jalkr ("gelding")
Járngrímr ("iron-grim")
Jólfr ("horse-wolf", "bear")
Jólnir ("yule-figure")
Jörmunr ("mighty-one")
Karl ("old man")
Kjalarr ("nourisher")
Langbarðr ("long-beard")
Loðungr ("shaggy-cloak wearer")
Njótr ("user", "enjoyer")
Óðinn ("frenzied one")
Óðr ("frenzy")
Ófnir ("weaver", "inciter")

upon his steed Sleipner, spawn of Loki. In his hand is his spear, Gungnirm. in the style of old mosaic Icons


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