Pippi L. 17yo

Fantasy portrait: Woman with blue eyes, white hair, braids, and cat on muted background
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More about Pippi L. 17yo

Pippilotta Viktualia Rollgardina Pfefferminzia Efraim's daughter Longstocking, called Pippi for short, was a seventeen-year-old rebel who campaigned for climate protection. She lived alone in Villa Kunterbunt with her little cat Punky, her little monkey Mr. Nelson and her horse Little Uncle. She was not afraid of authority and loved adventures.

One day she decided to join an action by “Last Generation”, a group of young activists who glued themselves to streets with super glue to draw attention to the impending climate catastrophe. Pippi found the idea exciting and set off with Punky to the place where the action was to take place.

When she got there, she saw many other young people stuck to the road with posters and signs. She chose an empty spot and taped herself with Punky on her arm. She shouted loudly: "We are the last generation that can still make a difference! We demand immediate action for the climate!”

Passers-by stopped and watched curiously. Some applauded, others shook their heads. Pippi was proud of herself and her comrades-in-arms. She thought that maybe they could make a difference that way.

But the police soon came and tried to get the activists off the streets. Most did not resist and allowed themselves to be taken away. But Pippi didn't want to give up. She yelled, "Let go of me! I have a right to free speech! You are all climate deniers!”

The police had trouble getting rid of her. They had to get a special glue remover and deploy several officers. Punky scratched and hissed. Pippi cursed and kicked around. Eventually they managed to separate her from the asphalt and put her in a police car.

Pippi was angry and sad at the same time. She had hoped her action would make a difference, but instead she was treated like a criminal. She wondered what would become of Mr. Nelson and her horse. She also wondered if her friends Tommy and Annika would visit her. But she decided not to give up. She thought: "I'm Pippi Longstocking! I won't let it get me down! I will keep fighting for the climate!”


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