art nouveau study six, part three of four

art nouveau study six, part three of four
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More about art nouveau study six, part three of four

This is the same examination we made with 'coffee beans two', but here we've replaced the subject and the style with 'coffee beans one'. This style was applied with an 80% scale. Remembering that the primary difference between 'coffee beans one' and 'coffee beans two' is that in coffee beans two, the style image was not edited, but taken as a single shot: the beans actually touch at the edges of each lifecyle phase. This results in harder lines between the lifecycles in 'coffee beans two'. In the art nouveau style, hard lines, often with internal softness or filigree internal to an edge. Here we can see the style creating and matching the hard lines of the original image. There appears to be good matching between the resolution of some features of the pattern and some features of the image, such as the flowers from both style and subject. There is little smearing, and when it does occur it appears to be limited to the border, where in the subject there are large sections of continues bold color.


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