And Then One Day: He Was Toast

Surreal Portrait of a Man with Bread Hairstyle
  • Aífe's avatar Artist
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    5mos ago
  • Try (3)

More about And Then One Day: He Was Toast

All my images - including base, evolutions and final results - are prohibited from commercial use.

These days, I am learning a lot. First, there was a bird that was flipping, and I had no idea what Debbie was talking about. Then, a portrait of a man got the title “Lapin”! Who was that French Lapin? Google did not know. But why would you call a man a ‘Rabbit’? Almanito explained to me that he was not a rabbit, but that his love did not show up. I’m pretty sure I saw that honey sitting at a table, alone, with a glass of wine at Vincent Godard’s.
And then yesterday, I read in the media that a man could be toast?!?! I really thought I was going nuts…


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