Sludge is good & Mean Santa makes sure you say so!

Sludge is good & Mean Santa makes sure you say so!
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More about Sludge is good & Mean Santa makes sure you say so!

¡El lodo es bueno y significa que santa se asegura de que lo digas!
Schlamm ist gut und der gemeine Weihnachtsmann sagt es dir!
Сладж - это хорошо, и подлый санта убедится, что вы так говорите!
... .. .
The Sour Slime Gummy Sludge was labeled safe for kids and Mean Santa made sure that’s what everybody said. But that wasn’t what dadBot felt. As he trudged through the acid green substance, he knew the sweets were licking his feet clean down to the servomotors. While he tried to stop the flowing spill and save the running shoppers, his waste condenser was gumming up and the works inside him quit.


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