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A veil appeared between her and the rest of the world.
Her own personal distortion field.
And so she moved through the world as if she were only half-real.
A shadow of herself cast onto the lives of others.
Conversations slid past her, words registering but never settling.
Laughter in crowded rooms felt like a foreign language.
She smiled when expected, nodded at the right moments, but inside, she was hollow and empty, a distant observer of her own existence.
There had been a time when she felt connected, when her reflection in the mirror looked familiar rather than like a stranger wearing her skin.
Now, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt truly seen.
People spoke to her, but it was as if they were addressing a version of her that had long since disappeared.
She wanted to reach out, to bridge the distance, but the effort seemed insurmountable.
Even in solitude, she felt no closer to herself. Her thoughts spiraled, looping endlessly in her broken mind, but none of them felt like they belonged to her.
She wasn’t sad exactly—sadness had weight, a presence.
What she felt was something lighter, emptier, as if she had been gently erased over time, leaving only a faint outline where she used to be.
She wondered if anyone noticed, if they could sense the absence beneath the surface.
Maybe they did, and maybe they didn’t.
Either way, the result was the same: she was adrift, unmoored from the world, a ghost in her own life.
Feel free to use the "Try" button, but please credit me - ©Chris M - as the original author of this prompt.
©Chris M - All rights reserved.