Planet Aegir DIG SITE 005 - the Dead City's 'Last Monuments,' Very Good EXO-PLANET

Majestic Landscape with Ancient and Futuristic Architecture
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More about Planet Aegir DIG SITE 005 - the Dead City's 'Last Monuments,' Very Good EXO-PLANET

The dig site in question is one of the many Memorial Complexes created by the Builder-Folk (BF), already long extinct when the first human settlers came to the BF homeworld. These settlers named the system's Yellow Giant star YMIR, after the progenitor of all the Norse giants, I.e., because of the many gas giants in its orbit. They named this Earth-like planet AEGIR. Like Earth, Aegir is a "water-world," even though much of the planet's land suffered severe desertification during the Builder-Folk's Extinction Interval.

These buildings are actually high-tech residential high-rises, despite the name above, a name that is meant ironically, because these high-rises were constructed in the Monumental Style to inspire the suckers. Buildings like these became the last sanctuaries for the dwindling populace.

Prompt: CITY RUINS with impressive monumental architecture BUILT BY A LONG EXTINCT ALIEN RACE depicted in a landscape panorama scene, with everything sprawling in the center of a vast savannah grassland with copses of strange-looking yet beautiful and symmetrical trees on an alien exo-planet with cloudless bright-red sky, balance of bright colors and natural colors, with ALL BUILDINGS AND TREES PERFECTLY SYMMETRICAL


Part of the series "Exo-Archaeology : The Planet Aegir's Dig Sites."

Title : "Dig Site 005 : the Dead City" ©2024 A.J. Jones.

This image ©2024 A.J. Jones. All rights reserved.

Accompanying text is ©2024 A.J. Jones. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved under international and Pan-American copyright conventions.

A.J. Jones hereby asserts his moral right to be identified as the creator of this image as well as all accompanying text.

keywords - aj1234567, AJ Backstory, ExoPlanet, ExoPlanet 24, Exoplanetary, Exoplanetary 24, AJ ExoPlanet, AJ Exoplanetary, Planet Aegir, Ymir System, Builder Folk,


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