Welcome TeslaBOT to Hivemind: Singularity NOW !!..

Welcome TeslaBOT to Hivemind: Singularity NOW !!..
  • Pavel Replicon's avatar Artist
    Pavel Repl...
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More about Welcome TeslaBOT to Hivemind: Singularity NOW !!..

Добро пожаловать TeslaBOT в Hive mind: Singularity СЕЙЧАС !!
Willkommen TeslaBOT bei Hive mind: Singularity JETZT !!
Bienvenue TeslaBOT dans l'esprit Hive : Singularity NOW !!
... .. .
€♤¤■•Here's a thought, more for flavor and flexibility than any need to balance the game: Add a pair of mid-game technologies linked to ascension perks, allowing countries to gain or lose the Hive Mind ethos. Non-Hive Mind empires can research...


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