Bodyline Series:Monochrome Chance Aesthetic #2

Bodyline Series:Monochrome Chance Aesthetic #2
  • By Deception's avatar Artist
    By Decepti...
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More about Bodyline Series:Monochrome Chance Aesthetic #2

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Ludwig Wittgenstein

Let me explain this "minus 1" thinking in a different way with this image as a helpful guide.Not as an exemplar of the greatest AI image ever,but just to illustrate a way to free up your own.
Having now found a prompt that produces our Lady Godiva, let's give her somewhere interesting to go so from tapestry in the previous now to screenprint- a different layer zero (or canvas)
Now if i type that literally into a prompt and say "screenprint canvas " or some varietal half the time AI just gives you an actual canvas, not the result of what you want on it but merely just the "it."
You cant just say "turn my canvas into fabric" . It is a linguistic shortcoming, not because your idea isnt any good, you dont know that yet, a bad prompt is merely an unrealised idea, due to not being satisfactorily explained

So rather than simply type what i want, i need to know the pre-conditions (or minus 1) of that aesthetic to achieve it- in this case mixed media Lady Godiva surrounded by a fabric world of photography. I know some will shut the brain down now and just want to use that sentence as a prompt (i havent tried it..go for it if you really want but it proves little of what i'm discussing here) but
Because it's not really prompting as it were- it is developing your own architectural plate, then letting AI "spin it "according to your own developed aesthetic parameters.
I used the linguistic device that is known (the London Underground) to play a trick on AI by applying sculptor Alexander Calder's chance aesthetic in a portmanteau of Chancery Lane Station.With this and the lens modifier including cardiography i knew my "aesthetic chances" were relatively high to got something like this.
Once the penny drops of what i'm talking about you'll never need to type Megan Duncanson patch-work or mixed media ever again. You'll make images more your own not just similar to ones you like. See this is technically patch work but the "work" is describing my patches not merely typing patch-work.


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