Spanish Civil War, Madrid- Women of inspiration

Spanish Civil War, Madrid- Women of inspiration
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More about Spanish Civil War, Madrid- Women of inspiration

On the one hand, the Spanish Civil War was a pivotal moment for women globally, as never before had their work on the frontline and within their communities been so desperately valued. Mujeres Libres was an anarchist organisation that aimed to empower working-class women. It was initiated by Lucia Sanchez Saornil and Mercedes Composada who both felt disillusioned by the way in which women were treated by more mainstream socialist groups such as the CNT. Education was viewed as a key aspect of this, as they believed that educated women would be less likely to turn to prostitution. By 1936, Mujeres Libres had formed a unified network of anarchist activists and were ready to fight: they had even constructed a day-care service for mothers who supported the cause.


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