Whispers of Nature: The Enchanted Ears

Whispers of Nature: The Enchanted Ears
  • ©Flo Hendry's avatar Artist
    ©Flo Hendr...
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    2w ago
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More about Whispers of Nature: The Enchanted Ears

A woman named Flo receives hearing aids, enabling her to hear birds sing, making her ecstatic. Her imagination envisions her ears growing large, and elated with being able to hear she is out jumping in a field surrounded by birds. The artwork, features bold happy colors and exaggerated details, emphasizing Flo's newfound ability.

Children with speech impediment should have hearing checked as the sounds they hear may be muddled. I was 12 years old when the schools had the kids hearing checked. I failed and had been in speech therapy since kindergarten. At that time all I needed was to have my ears flushed out. As an adult sounds started to get muddled again. Have moderate to severe hearing loss. Hearing aids have enable me to hear some sounds that were inaudible and sounds are now so much clearer. Don't wait to get hearing aids. Poor hearing is nothing to be embarrassed about.

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