Star Singers at the Door

Star Singers at the Door

#20cmb24 #blessing #children #christ #christblessthishouse #christianity #christusmansionembenedicat #cmb #god #jesus #star #threekings #threemagi #tradition

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More about Star Singers at the Door

Also today they were with me to collect donations for a good charitable cause, sing christian songs and gospels like "Star above Bethlehem" and to give the house blessing "God bless this house and everyone who goes in and out of it".

Base Image created with Bing Image Creator!
Starting prompt: "View outside from an open front door. In front of the open door, you look into the happy faces of three children dressed as the Three Wise Men (Magi, Bible) stand in front of the door as Star Singers (Epiphany singers), and hold up a symbolic self-made star and a donation box"
Modifiers: highly detailed, intricate, intricate details, high definition, crisp quality, beautiful lighting, pencil sketch, watercolor, dramatic lighting, Deep shadows, Warm colors, warm light, LNF


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