Shadows of the Throne

Shadows of the Throne
  • civitasvox's avatar Artist
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More about Shadows of the Throne

In the labyrinth of your mind, where shadows dance,
A throne of ice and iron, your solitary stance.
Eyes that burn with knowledge, a storm within,
Guarded by your walls, where few dare to begin.

Beneath the crown, a weight of untold tales,
Of battles fought in silence, where light often pales.
Your heart, a fortress, built from every scar,
Each wound a testament to how you've come so far.

The world may see the coldness in your stare,
But within, there's a fire, a longing laid bare.
Isolation, your armor, sharp and keen,
A queen of shadows, reigning unseen.

In the court of whispers, where secrets lie,
You hold the power, no need to justify.
Yet even in your strength, there's a silent plea,
For someone to see the truth, to set you free.

For behind the façade of control and might,
Lies a soul that yearns for the dawn's first light.
To break the chains of pride, to embrace the fall,
To find in vulnerability, the courage to stand tall.

Remember, oh queen, in the darkest of nights,
It's in the depths of despair that we find new heights.
Castles may crumble, but from ruins, you rise,
A testament to resilience, seen through clearer eyes.

Embrace the chaos, let go of the past,
For in your journey, your true self is cast.
A queen in shadows, but also in grace,
Finds her power in truth, not just in her place.

Produced in collaboration with GPT CI.

A companion to: There is a fine line between between chants and screams


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