Visionary Dream - Younger & Capturing Nature

Visionary Dream - Younger & Capturing Nature
  • ©Flo Hendry's avatar Artist
    ©Flo Hendr...
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    2d ago
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More about Visionary Dream - Younger & Capturing Nature

Made in response to my Migraine Nightmare.
An elderly woman is peacefully asleep in bed after a day of photographing nature. She dreams of being younger in a forest, capturing stunning images with her camera.

Happy to share prompts. Please use Try button, the prompt and modifiers can be changed as well as the AI Model. Love to see your result-please leave comment.

Dream made in response to the Migraine Nightmare.
Usually the last dream someone releases gets more likes, so an experiment to see if people really do look at a dream or just click the like this one released first so the gross Migraine dream is last. Then again some if have an emotional response, good or bad will like a dream.
A good photograph is one that elicits an emotional response...good or bad.


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